The lovers tarot card meaning

A man and a woman are both standing in front of a tree.
Behind the woman is a tree with apples and a snake.
This is the symbol of knowledge as well as desire.
Behind the man is a tree with twelve fiery tongues (twelve signs of the zodiac). This is the tree of life. In the center above them is the Archangel Raphael as a mediating force. He represents get element air (= our thinking).
This card is a representation of the paradise story. Eve ate of the apple and after some hesitation Adam also ate of it. Then they were chased out of paradise.
The Beloved represents a situation in which man must make a choice. Not so much a choice between "good" and "not good," but it encompasses much more. It is a choice between the heart and the mind, the thinking and the feeling, so in fact between the higher and the lower self. Only by constantly having to choose between these two can he gain insights and experiences.

The ultimate goal is for the Beloved to climb the mountain in the background. This means that man masters duality and makes a choice from inner harmony. After this he can follow the path, which will eventually bring him to the light.

The symbolism of the Beloved is the self-conscious human being, who must make a decisive choice. The search for inner harmony by overcoming duality (the union of the opposites within us).

The choice first and foremost. Love. Harmony. Beauty. Balance. Unity.

Day card

Right now you are in need of other people in your life. The magic word "Together" is central to your today. Any kind of relationship is important to you now. This card can also tell you that today you have to choose between your mind and your feelings. It is difficult to find the right balance in this. Stay true to yourself and strive for harmony.


What relationship is currently keeping you very busy?
What aspects of yourself do you see in the other person?
What choice or decision are you facing?
What do you want to merge?
What do you feel guilty about?