The sun tarot card meaning

A large Sun with rays, spreading across the width of the card. A naked child on a white horse carries a large, red flag. A gray wall behind the child. Four sunflowers in full bloom.

In the Sun, first and foremost, we see a face. A face is to be regarded as something personal. It means that the light of the sun, the light of the spirit, has penetrated into the personality. Just as the sun gives life to everything, is the source of life, so the spiritual sun within us is the spark of God. Through this we no longer only see the outer forms as real, but we experience that these forms only serve to teach us about their content.

Having arrived at the Sun, man lets his own sun shine, which means that he is transformed from someone who reflects light into someone who radiates light. Through this he sees both the form and the content, the outer and the inner world of existence. He sees through completely, clearly and directly.

The four sunflowers symbolize the four elements. Only by turning toward the sunlight can they reach full maturity and bloom. Similarly, man should turn toward the spiritual sun or center.
The child is the new man and expresses the spiritual rebirth. It is naked, it shows itself and it is open to the light. This indicates that it presents the naked truth and an understanding of things as they really are.

The red flag represents the life force. The white horse is the symbol of work and docility and indicates that the instinctive forces of the soul have been overcome. The white stands for purity and cleanliness. The fact that the child is being carried means that everything is going naturally, the energy is abundant. it is life itself that takes care of this, because you are living life.

The wall of grey stones represents the past. The past with its limitations due to a low understanding of reality ("the gray past!". The sunflowers also symbolize consciousness, the sun the light and pure consciousness.

The Sun symbolizes spiritual rebirth through spiritual insight.


Pure consciousness. Promise. Harmony. Peace. Liberation. New beginnings.

Day card

Full of confidence and carefree, you walk cheerfully into this day. You are radiant, everything is going well, you are satisfied and your health is optimal. A wonderful day filled with new opportunities. They sometimes say: "Live with the day", well you certainly do, you are living now! You enjoy the warmth of the sun even though it is raining. Your sun is shining!


What liberation are you experiencing?
How do you create space for playfulness and pleasure?
From what restrictions do you free yourself?
What clarifying insights have you reached?
What do you undertake?
In what areas are you making progress and/or being successful?
What are you very happy about?
What do you feel very good about?