The page of cups tarot card meaning

The page of cups looks at the cup in his right hand, from which a fish rises.
He is dressed in a tunic of red and blue, adorned with lotus flowers.
The water in the background is rather choppy.

This squire shows feelings of love and compassion. This is shown by the fish, which is the symbol of the divine. The cup with the fish represents divine love.
The red and blue of his clothing indicates the merging of conscious and unconscious thought.
The lotus is a self-renewing plant, carrying male and female elements.
The sea shows the world of feelings and dreams.

Character: Calm, gentle, artistic, imaginative, loving and compassionate.
Message: Inspiring, uplifting, intuitive (also from one's own subconscious, a dream for example).
Event: Thinking about a creative idea, falling in love, an offer of peace.
General: the page of cups perceives his feelings and then gives them form (artist).

EARTH OF WATER: Earth and water gives mud, after some settling the water becomes clear again.
The feeling is clearly present, but the squire sometimes has to search for the form. He himself does not always realize what he can do with his feeling, then he still has to discover it.
He can find the form for his feelings in, for example, art or romance. It is a challenge for this squire not to stay too long in the formless.


Emotional dependence. New relationships. Seeking opportunities to experience love. Intuitive and sensitive. Wondering. Childlike innocence.

Day card

You are sweet, quiet and eager to learn. People love you for who you are. Your intuition also speaks to you a lot today. Trust it, you will see that you can really rely on your gift. Don't doubt, you have that gift! Maybe you should try being more open to it because it's really there!


On whom or what do you experience yourself as emotionally dependent?
In what do you rely on your feelings?
In what ways do you give shape to your experience of love?
What do you marvel at?