The four of cups tarot card meaning

An introverted man sits under a tree.
In front of him are three goblets. A fourth goblet comes from a cloud, or is offered to him by the Creator. His posture is clearly closed.

This person is meditating, reflecting on his life. His wishes and desires are fulfilled, the three goblets testify to this. Now that he knows what is in them, he wonders if this is really all. He has doubts, feels discontent and therefore does not perceive that life (the Creator) is already offering him a new cup.


Dissatisfaction. Withdrawal (emotional). Re-evaluation. Doubting the old and weighing the new. Passing up opportunities. Mixed feelings. Listen carefully to your feelings. Distinguish between desire and need.

Day card

You don't feel like anything today and are dissatisfied. You are totally stuck in your confused emotions. Take time for yourself to recharge and seek new insights through meditation and rest.


What are you dissatisfied with?
What fantasies, thoughts and/or feelings are you not allowed/willed/dare to feel and experience?
What aspects of yourself are you becoming more and more aware of?
What fantasies are you going to realize?