The ten of cups tarot card meaning

A waving couple and dancing children are in a beautiful setting.
A rainbow with ten goblets can be seen in the sky.

The rainbow is a sign of God's covenant with people, of reconciliation and protection. The rainbow forms a bridge between heaven and earth.
The children are happy from their purity and innocence.
The couple looks at the surroundings and is filled with happiness. They have done everything to achieve their ideal. Now the time has come and they say goodbye. The emotional life passes to a higher plane.


Love. Happy family life. Joyful changes. New beginnings on a higher plane. Protection. Enduring happiness and harmony. Card of blessing.

Day card

Are you facing a problem? Then this card says that solutions will come quickly. Are you feeling good? Then this card only confirms it. Family happiness and contentment filled with love and unconcern.


From which togetherness do you derive great joy?
What do you enjoy intensely?
What role does family life play in your life?
With whom do you want to live in harmony?
Where do you feel at home?
What do you feel very good about?
What do you want to create with regard to relationships?
With whom do you feel safe and loved?
What balanced situation do you create?