The eight of wands tarot card meaning

Eight rods move through the air.
The energy is directed toward a specific goal. The rods move in the direction of the future, to the right, the east. Through this directed force something is expressed, becomes a reality. This may involve a goal, expectations, hopes and ideals.

The river in the foreground is the stream of life. It flows through the fertile landscape. This means that all energy goes its natural way. Everything is in harmony.


Purposeful energy. Manifestation of spirit in matter. Mobility. Love hope. Change. Progress. A "journey card".

Day card

Today everything is moving super fast. A period of change that is going to come faster than you think. Matters are completed faster or you suddenly receive important news. There is plenty of movement that also sometimes means: finding out the truth.


What do you think is about to happen?
Into what relationship are you plunging yourself?
In what spheres do you dwell?
What do you occupy yourself with intensely?
What are you learning in a short time?
About what do you feel restlessness and an urge to act?