The two of wands tarot card meaning

An opulently dressed man stands between two rods within his domain. In his right hand he holds a globe. He has a great overview. It is clear, that he has achieved success in society. Now he is waiting for reaction or result regarding a certain objective. He is sticking out his feelers, as it were.

The globe indicates the acquired knowledge, which he holds in his hands. Since the number 2 implies a duality, however, caution is needed to maintain balance. He has much in his possession, but should be careful that this does not lead to rigidity. This card warns for a possible stagnation. Caution is advised.


Prosperity, but also contradictions. Waiting for results. Competition. Surprise. Primary education.

Day card

You would like to perform something but you don't really dare. Something is holding you back. Try a different approach. The approach that you do feel good about. Your original and imaginative ideas are certainly good! Follow your feelings and trust your knowledge and wisdom.


What new opportunities do you see?
What are you merging?
What do you choose to do?
What are your goals?
What are you setting yourself?
What situation are you in control of?