The five of pentacles tarot card meaning
A man and a woman walk past a lit window of a church dressed in rags. There is a snowstorm. The man is walking barefoot through the snow.
This card is all about hardship. Physical and spiritual poverty is the issue here.
These people have grown accustomed to their situation and have become more or less blind.
They walk by a lit window of a church, they don't even see it. They could also enter the church, especially considering the weather conditions.
Another aspect of this card is, that two people under difficult circumstances connect or stay together.
Poverty. Illness. Prolonged hardship. Lack of spiritual insight. Depression. Loss (work, family, security, love). Simplicity and unconventionality by choice.
Day card
You really feel left out in the cold today. You certainly won't get your way today and you feel like you're being rejected by everyone. You feel miserable and exhausted. No one seems to care about you and you feel lonely and alone. Try to hold on to your inner vision and make sure you don't lose faith in yourself. Trust in yourself, hang in there and go back to your anchor. The foundation of yourself.
Who or what do you miss in your life or don't want to lose?
What are you withdrawing yourself from?
In what do you feel you have been shortchanged?
Who or what do you set yourself against?
What do you not want to participate in?
What do you think you cannot stand?
What do you think you have done to yourself?