The four of pentacles tarot card meaning
A man sits on a stone bench. He has a pentagram on his head, a pentagram against his chest and a pentagram under each foot. A city can be seen in the background.
A theme of this card is holding on. This person is dependent on material securities.
We see here the stability of the four, which, however, can easily lead to rigidity.
This rigidity is expressed in the body posture. He closes off the most important places of his body with a pentagram: the crown, the throat, the heart and the soles of the feet. This shows that he turns away from the surrounding world. He also sits with his back turned to the city.
The other theme of this card is structure. In situations of confusion and rigidity, it is necessary to bring order and let go of what is not needed.
In this case, self-orientation and inward focus of energy is a necessary need to achieve a new structure. This leads to reassessment of personal value and strength.
Material securities. Greed. Inability to give. Self-centeredness. Giving structure to or creating order in a situation.
Day card
Why are you so eager to hold on to everything frenetically? Afraid of loss and uncertainties? Don't trust anyone and want to do it all yourself? Don't stay still because that means decline and you thwart new developments for yourself. The wealth around you will certainly not make you happy if you are mentally trapped. Think about the people who are dear to you in your environment. Stuff is replaceable but those people are not.
What power and possessions are you amassing?
What aspects of yourself are you focused on?
What do you order or structure?
What provides you with security?
Who or what do you want to own?
Who or what do you protect?
In what ways are you aware of your self-worth?