The king of swords tarot card meaning

The King of Swords sits quietly on his throne. The sword he holds in his right hand. Clouds and a few birds surround him. On the back of the throne are butterflies, half moons and angelic figures (as with the Queen of Swords).

The cool colors indicate the non-emotional realm of the mind. The clouds indicate the speed and agility of thought, the birds the insights. The butterflies on the throne are also an expression of the mobility of the mind.

The yellow-gold crown represents mental abilities. The sword is slightly curved to the right, indicating that this king also wants to apply his insights practically (the right side is the side of matter, action).

The King of Swords is not emotionally involved. This allows him to come to the greatest possible insights. He has a very sharp mind. He is the king of reason.

Character: Sensible, just, decisive, astute and strong-willed.
General: Swords King is the master of the element of Air; he has the ability to communicate and be analytical; he has an intellectual nature and upholds the law; he believes in the power of the written and spoken word.

FIRE OF AIR: Air in motion, especially the north wind. Also northern lights, setting sun.
The fire of creative power is here fed by the air of thought. This king can be very driven, like the king of wands. But the king of swords does not go so much for grand and compelling ideals. Air stands for thinking, the king of swords goes for structures, decisions. He also makes decisions, but he will not (like the king of wands) pursue his ideals by force. When the king of wands has conquered a kingdom, by force if need be, the king of swords will draw up the laws and adhere to them strictly. The fire of creative power and ideal is here fed by the air of thought.


Analytical and philosophical. Critical and diplomatic. Quick decision maker. Sometimes ruthless and cold. Communication. Putting things in order. Protecting and defending yourself.

Day card

You are acting rather dominantly today. Sometimes you are very harsh with words because the situation and environment demand this of you. Today you quickly see through the problems that come your way and therefore judge fairly and wisely.


What do you propagate?
What are you investigating?
Who or what are you criticizing?
What do you decide?
In what areas is your will law?
Who or what do you protect?
In what ways do you put things in order?
Against whom or what do you defend yourself?
What contacts do you maintain?