The knight of swords tarot card meaning

The Knight of Swords races forth on his horse. Belligerently he thrusts his sword forward.
The clouds and the trees indicate a storm. A red feather or wing is on his helmet. His tunic is decorated with birds.

This card shows great strength, gale force and a chilly, icy atmosphere. The knight goes against it and against it. He himself is like a storm. This can lead to clashes and sharp confrontations.
The birds on his tunic and the red feather/wing on his helmet express the element Air.

This knight has courage and chooses headwinds, he follows his head and not his heart. he is double air.

Character: Intelligent, headstrong, persuasive, and intellectual.
Atmosphere: Charged with conflict, stern, icy.
Thoughts: Bitter or unhappy, melancholy.
Event: Sudden and unprepared.
GENERAL: Sword Knight focuses his energy decisively on taking a stand and goes to the extreme corners to do so.

AIR OF AIR: Storm. This is an excess of air, this knight loses himself in tumbling over each other ideas that lead nowhere. This knight is sometimes called "a runaway thinker."
The stormy expresses itself in quarrels and conflicts. The quick reasoning without feeling can be very hurtful.


Defending a thesis. Being devoted to a philosophy or religion. Proclaiming your opinion with fervor. Persuade. To be heroic and progressive. Taking an offensive stance. Persistent.

Day card

You are eager with impatience to boldly go into the unknown. Struggling without any emotion and with the conviction of your own equality, you mix in situations with harsh words. This card can also indicate a day full of bravery and ambition; this is how it should be done and not otherwise.


What do you firmly believe in?
What ideas are you deeply committed to?
What beliefs do you carry forward?
What do you boldly throw yourself into?
Who or what are you attacking and why?
What must not be questioned?
Who has done something to you and what?