The nine of swords tarot card meaning

A person sits upright in bed with his head in his hands. Nine swords hang on the wall.
On the bed is a blanket with roses, planetary signs and astrological signs.

This card reflects great sadness, despair and pain.
The swords against the black background symbolize worry, doubt and despair. It could be the suffering of the whole world.
The person is holding his head, indicating, that he is totally stuck in his thinking (the head).

The roses on the blanket represent love, the astrological and planetary signs refer to fate in general. In addition, the roses and the signs also refer to the comfort, which this card can offer: divine love and the wisdom of providence.

The suffering and despair of this card come from "material" thinking. Thinking is circumscribed and gives a limited view of the truth (the half-truth).

The nine swords denote the following concepts:
- sorrow
- tears
- separation
- pain
- despair
- grief
- despair
- but also hope and healing.


Despair. Suffering. Sadness. Despondency. Self-accusation. Depression. Agitation, physical and mental. "Despair Card". Warning: danger of crisis.

Day card

You just can't seem to stop your thoughts today. You doubt everything and the question you ask yourself is, "Is this all going to work out?" You are full of guilt and at the end of your strength. Slowly you become aware of what is really going on. Even though you may not be able to solve the problem quickly now, keep looking at the hopeful bright spots because there really are. This unpleasant period is really passing because you have just woken up from your nightmare.


What do you feel guilty about?
What do you think you have done wrong?
What do you think you have wasted?
In what ways do you think you are less than others?
Who have you failed?
What ideas are you suffering from?
What are you afraid of?
What will you change?