The three of swords tarot card meaning
Three swords pierce a red heart. The background is gloomy. The sky is heavily overcast. The rain is falling in streams.
Sorrow and soul suffering are reflected on this card. The three swords indicate a decision of the mind, which goes against the feelings. However, sometimes there is no other way (way out).
This card of the Swords series expresses grief and pain in the most direct way. It is therefore the most dramatic card.
Nevertheless, the symmetry of the three swords lends a certain peace. In fact, there is also only one way to deal with grief and suffering: go through it, accept the pain and transcend it.
Sword 3 points to not shutting out grief, but accepting and processing it. Acceptance brings peace.
Grief. Parting. Separation (sometimes for the better). Loss. Necessary suffering. Decision of the mind.
Day card
You have been touched to the depths of your soul today. Your heart is crying and you are in deep and emotional pain. You feel abandoned and you are trapped in your grief. Perhaps you have just found out a painful truth or you are in deep grief from a loss or parting. Realize that this grief will also pass one day and that it can also produce something positive. Even if you can't believe it now.
What conceptions and feelings are you not allowed/wanted to experience?
By whom or what do you feel you have hurt yourself?
Who do you want to hurt or make pay?
Who has done something to you and what?
What do you see in the other person that you want to own?
What unprocessed feelings do you still carry with you?